
NASG Introduces New Line of Area Lights

NASG LED LLC launches new DLC LED Shoebox fixtures. Featuring Phillips Luxeon high CRI 3030 chips. These fixtures will be available from 60W to 300W to easily replace 150W to 1000W Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium fixtures at more than 70% energy savings. The fixtures feature a slip fitter, trunion or straight arm mounting arms for square or round poles. Type II, III & V distribution with 130 Lumens per watt. This line will be ready for March [...]

Kennewick Ranch & Home Store adds new PlanLED lighting

KVEW put together a nice piece on the Kennewick Ranch & Home Store that made complete transition to Planled’s LED lighting, managed by our business development manager, Michael Gunaca. As the efficiency of LED comes to light, Ranch & Home in Kennewick is taking advantage of an opportunity to be on the forefront of cutting edge technology. The store is investing more than $150,000 into store lighting because it will get that money back in a year or so—and then some.